Talk to a Doctor for Free

With a $13 per month subscription to The Affordable Doc, you and your immediate family can talk or video chat with a doctor 24 / 7 / 365

What is The Affordable Doctor?

The Affordable Doctor is cutting edge Virtual or Telemedicine. It enables you to have a live video consultation with a Primary Care Physician from your smartphone, or PC in minutes, for free, anytime, from anywhere. The COVID-19 situation underscores the value of virtual medicine. From the Surgeon General to the health department everyone is saying stay at home unless they are seriously ill. Your $10.95 per month subscription to The Affordable Doctor, allows you and your family to consult a doctor as often as needed without being exposed to sickness. Other advantages are:

  • You do not have to “get ready” to go see the doctor. Thru an app downloaded to your smartphone or PC, you are face to face with a doctor in minutes.
  • You do not have to sit in a waiting room full of other sick people.
    You do not have to wait for office hours. Doctors are standing by 24/7/365.
  • Prescriptions will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice and there is no charge for that either.
  • You can schedule the consultation for a specific time (a break) if you are working.
  • You can show the doctor what concerns you by uploading pictures or pointing the camera on your phone at the problem.
  • The doctor can provide an excuse for work or school by email.
  • You can discuss concerns with a doctor you might otherwise skip because it was too costly or time-consuming to actually go see a doctor.

Watch this short ad-free video to gain a quick understanding of how The Affordable Doctor can help you and your family enjoy good health, affordably.

Our motto at The Affordable Doctor is “Helping people enjoy good health, affordably” We have found that Healthiest You, which is the premier version of the Teledoc telemedicine platform is a great resource for achieving this goal. So enrollment in Healthiest You is included as a benefit of your subscription to The Affordable Doctor.

One low price for the whole family.

Now that’s affordable.

Your subscription to The Affordable Doctor including enrollment in Healthiest You is just $13 per month or $150 per year. This extends the Healthiest You telemedicine service to you (the primary member), as well as your immediate family (your spouse, children, and step children through age 26).

Have you heard enough to get started?


What is the cost of Healthiest You / Teledoc service cost through

A subscription to The Affordable Doctor is just $13 per month when done by a recurring bank draft or credit card payment authorization. The subscription includes enrollment in Healthiest You for the Primary Member their spouse, and children through age 26.

With what kind of things can Healthiest You Doctors help me?

Healthiest You says there are 50 Diagnoses their doctors treat most often. You can save or print a copy of this as a reminder.

However there is no limit to the health questions you can ask a Healthiest You (HY) Physician during a video consultation. That does not mean the HY doctor can treat everything by video consultation, but you can ask. If they cannot treat the condition you ask about they may suggest where to seek treatment or what tests you should discuss with your doctor.

Is there a charge for the video consultation (chat) with a doctor?

No, there is no charge for the video consultation with a Healthiest You doctor. Also, there is no charge for sending any scripts that result from the video consultation. You will have to pay for the medication but there is an Rx savings program that can help reduce the cost of your medications. You will see this information once you subscribe and download the Healthiest You app.

Are there age limits on benefits for my children?

The first family member enrolled is considered the “Primary Member“. The Healthiest You benefit is extended to the spouse and children of the primary member at no additional charge. “Children” include natural born children, step children, and adopted children through age 26. It can also cover grandchildren for whom the grandparent has custody. Coverage for children will end on their 27th birthday. A person 27 years of age or greater, must subscribe on their own.

Will I be talking to a real doctor?

Yes, you will talk to a real doctor. The Physicians contracted with Teledoc and Healthiest You are Board Certified Physicians in whatever state you are calling from. These Physicians have an average of 15 years experience.

How long does it take to get a doctor on the line?

There are two answers to this question. First you can request that a doctor contact you at a specific time. For example if you are at work, you may need to talk on a scheduled break. Through the app you can schedule a call at a specific time.

Through the app, you may also ask to be contacted “as soon as possible (ASAP)“. If you ask for an ASAP video consultation, it can happen as fast in as a minute or take as long as 30 minutes. It just depends on how busy the doctors are that are on call. Generally it takes 10 to 15 minutes.

Can I pay by any other method than a recurring monthly debit / credit card authorization?

Yes, you can also subscribe to The Affordable Doctor and pay annually. The cost of an annual subscription is $150 and is one of the options you may choose when you enroll.

Is there anything I cannot discuss with the doctor?

No. You can ask a Healthiest You doctor about any medical issue.

There is not a guarantee that the Healthiest You physician will be able to help everyone, with everything. This service is designed for routine primary care issues like those shown on the Top 50 Diagnoses. But you can ask the doctor about anything.

If the Healthiest You doctor is unable to address the issue you raise they may recommend you talk to your personal doctor, consult a specialist, or suggest you ask about specific tests.

When will my subscription start?

Your access to the Healthiest You (HY) service will start about 48 hours after you submit the subscription enrollment form, and payment. These are then uploaded to HY. You will be notified by email and text once you are in the system, including instructions about downloading the app and syncing with the HY system. Then you are ready to have a video consultation with an HY doctor.

When will my subscription end?

Access to Healthiest You through your subscription to The Affordable Doctor will end:

  • If you ask for the subscription to be canceled. You do this by sending an email to:

Be sure to include your subscription number and the date you want your subscription to end. Terminations will not be backdated.


  • If you terminate the autopay authorization.
  • If your auto-pay authorization ever “bounces”. If this happens you will be contacted by email and given the chance to reinstate the subscription. If you do not reinstate your auto-pay arrangement, your subscription will be terminated within a few days.

What else can I expect from Healthiest You?

Healthiest You is constantly upgrading the service. New benefits are always under review. Dermatology and Behavioral Health are already available but on a fee basis. In the future there will be an option to include these with no fee at the time of the video consultation.

You will be notified by email as additional services become available.

What else can I expect from The Affordable Doctor?

At the The Affordable Doctor we are always on the lookout for innovative ways to help our subscribers enjoy great health, affordably. We will add ideas, stories, and new services, to the website on a regular basis. Subscribers will be notified when there are new things to learn about and enjoy.

The Affordable Doctor
Could Save Your Life

Shane R.
Teledoc Member

When the doctor first called me, he let me share what was goin on. He was listening, and then he started asking questions.

He said, “What I’m concerned about is that some of the symptoms that you have shared with me are consistent with a blood clot.”

This is where the physician at Teledoc really made a difference. He told me that when I went to be examined, make sure I mention that possibity because those can be misdiagnosed.

The Affordabe Doctor for Business

Businesses also benefit from The Affordable Doctor. More and more employers are moving their group insurance plans to High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) or dropping them all together. HDHP plans provide valuable coverage for major illnesses or accidents but there are few benefits for day to day health care needs. By enrolling your employees in The Affordable Doctor they will have access to the Healthiest You and Teledoc Physicians 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Think about this. How many days did your employees miss last year because they or a family member had to go see a doctor? Those missed days cost you in several ways. First, if that employee is compensated through sick or vacation pay it cost the employer actual dollars. Second without that person on the job, their work does not get done or is pushed off to someone else who already had work of their own to do.

Very important, if a sick employee or dependent goes to a doctor and bills your company group health insurance, that claim affects your rates next year. None of these things happen with The Affordable Doctor. Watch this short video to see how this can help your company.

With The Affordable Doctor, your employees and their families will have access to a doctor for routine non-emergency healthcare needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will save you money and it will help them. That is a win, win solution. Discounts are given to employers and associations that either provide this service to their employees or members or allow it to be billed on a payroll deduction basis.

To discuss making this available to your associates send us a note to

Subscriber Feedback

Raina W.

40 something mom,
Works at a company that provides Healthiest You to all employees

“This is the most useful benefit we have ever had.”

George C.

40 something father of 3,
Works for a trucking company that provides Healthiest You to all employees

“It would be hard to estimate how much time and money this has saved me.”

Pete T.

50 something pastor,
Individual member

“My daughter used it for the first time last week and it worked perfectly.”

Darrell S.

Retired LtCol, US Army Special Forces

“This is great. We had something like this in the Army we could use it when we were deployed away from base. Where has this been for so long?”

Heard enough to get started?

Have a question or comment?

Send us a note to

Helpful Healthcare Tips

Watch for helpful tips on healthcare, dental care, exercise, nutrition in this section. We will notify you by email as additions are posted.

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Members with an international address and their dependents are not eligible for Teladoc services.

© 2024 AffordableDoc. All rights reserved.

In response to concerns about COVID-19 a subscription to THE AFFORDABLE DOCTOR has been lowered to $10.95 per family per month!